Saturday, January 16, 2010

"Fall Seven Times, Stand Up Eight" Japanese Proverb

I have some friends, who have had a hard time lately. These things did not happen to one person, but one person went through more than one of these things. I hope that was clear.

Financial hardship, got behind on payments
House burglarized and items stolen
Car repo
Laid off of job
A bad break up, lost hope and hates being alone
Life altering health issues (multiple)
Emergency Surgery, loss of work time, no vacation time or sick time
Death of spouse

So...what do you do when your life is like this. Just pick two..any two... At least two of these things affected people I know and care about with in a month. How awful right? Yes, but guess what they're still standing, moving forward and persevering. Its at the worst of times that we shine through with our bests. As long as you wake up and start a new day, its a start, and if you wake up and start a new day with a choice (positivity), its a good day.

Last night I spent some time with a friend while she waited for her husband to come out of emergency surgery. She was at the ER with him all day, and they finally figured out what the issue was. She was by herself and she didn't ask anyone to come because she knew where she wanted to be. I didn't know she was by herself, until I walked in. I didn't care if she had a million friends waiting with her, I was going to give her my support as well. That momentum grew, another friend showed up, after that family showed up. If you put it out there... it builds!

So like the proverb says. Fall Seven Times, Stand Up Eight, its worth it!


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