I cant say I'm prefect! lol Isnt that funny? I mean seriously who is perfect... There is a lesson I struggle with learning...and I'm happy in one way that its a daily struggle and I'm sad in other ways that its a daily struggle.
happy: I have great people in my life that I communicate with daily. They want to share love, give love, share time, give time, etc so on an so forth.
sad: I dont always know how to receive it. I back away from it, laugh it off, or feel unworthy.
"the most important thing in life is to learn how to give out love and let it come in." Morrie Schwartz
If I dont know how to let it come in, am I really capable of giving it? Isnt love infinite? Like the infinity sign... it never ends and if I dont take love in....how do I give it out...it would break the infinte cycle wouldnt it?
Anyway... Learning... challanged... trying...